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Monday 11 March 2013

SPRING in Sicily

It is almost Spring in Sicily and the wildflowers are blooming everywhere….orchids, iris, blue and white borage, mimosa (Australian wattle) and alyssum and echium. The almond blossom was spectacular and we’ve been eating artichoke hearts, fennel and plump ripe red tomtoes of all shapes and sizes.  Not to mention the fresh pasta and buffalo mozzarella cheese, the wonderful Sicilian wine and wild sage gently fried in Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva locally produced in Chiaramonte Gulfi.  The local markets and bakeries are forever producing something different to celebrate elaborate festivals and we’re looking forward to Festiva San Giuseppe in Marina di Ragusa next weekend.  There will be processions and fireworks and lots of goodies.

Winter has passed so quickly and it’s hard to remember those cold cold wet and windy days and nights when we were huddled up in our fleeces all cosy and warm beside our oil filled electric radiator.  We purchased a rather flash bicycle from Decathlon, a sporting goods warehouse, to cycle to the shower block, marina office, cruiser’s lounge, bar and local village and are in a car share programme (one of these currently being run by Bob!).  It means that we can book the car for a day, an overnight or just for a few hours.  We often book it for Sunday to travel with our trekking group to the many ancient limestone gorges and canyons which were inhabited as long ago as 1200BC.  The caves and tombs carved into the walls of the canyons are incredible and the ancient art of leather making is evident at Noto Antica.

Just a quick glimpse of our activities in the marina (20 boats constantly and many more as the weather becomes warmer)  :
Every morning Monday to Saturday at 9.00am we listen to the Cruisers’ Net
(Bob and I have the Tuesday morning slot – he is the “Weather Man”) to exchange ideas and advice and generally to facilitate communication between cruisers.
Monday all day:  Art group led by a very talented cruising artist
Monday evening:  Music in the local bakery with wine and pizza (a group of musos lead the rest of us in singing lots of our favourite songs)
Tuesday morning:  technical meetings lead by electronic gurus and rope splicing groups.
Wednesday afternoon:  Mexican dominoes and in the evening:  Skippers’ distress in the marina bar (speaker presents on an informative topic for cruisers)
Thursday morning:  Ladies coffee group (occasional cooking and preserving demonstrations)
Thursday afternoon:  bridge (coordinated by the crew from Kinabalu ;) followed by an alternative music group, and every other week a quiz night in the bakery (great fun)
Friday evening:  Happy hour in the marina bar (happy hour every night but Friday is the best attended)
Periodically there is a Progressive Dinner which is highly organized where each boat hosts a starter, main course or dessert for six people.

Cruising Ladies at the Artichoke Heart Cookery Demonstration

Cookery demonstration by Robert on S/Y Venice Lion
Skippers' Destress ;)
 Last week we invited the scouts on board to take a look at the way we live!

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