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Thursday 20 June 2013

Adventures in Sardinia

We sailed all day from Gaeta with a beautiful southerly breeze of around 15 knots, motor sailed through the night and anchored in Porta di Capeccio, Porto Brandinghi.  A beautiful bay and what a relief to be there because we had three very windy days and couldn't even launch the dinghy to walk on the beach.  Still too cold to swim, the beaches were mostly deserted, although we could see through the binoculars, Senegalese beach traders setting up their African trinkets awaiting the warmer weather.

On Saturday, 1st June we motored into 20 knots NW to Olbia, made our way to the town quay and rafted up to "Angel Louise" who had their OCC flag flying.  It wasn't long before we were drinking wine with Ed and Sue on "Croisyvoile", the innermost boat to the quay.  Pascal and Barbara were wonderful hosts and we invited them all to drinks in the evening on "Kinabalu".  Bill from "Kite" came to tell us he was leaving and that we could go stern to the quay in his spot.  We got into position next to a boat with a dog called "Jack Sparrow" and hurried off to shop.  The next surprise was a call "Anyone here by the name of Bob Howison?"  It was John Billington and Penny, New Zealanders on "Spindrift", a Warwick 47 which we had sold to them in Phuket some years ago!!  Small small world....we had coffee on an immaculately restored Sprindrift the next morning with their friends in a small marina nearby and heard all their news.  They were off to the Italian coast and we were heading north to the Madalenas.

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