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Tuesday 9 July 2013

Need language tuition....quickly!

Cruising in Sardinia and Corsica has its challenging moments!!  The service provider TIM in Italy seems to have banned us when we tried to connect while still in France...even though we still had 15 days left on our contract.  The Orange USB dongle, kindly donated by Gordon and Anne on S/Y Sarah Grace", will only let me have acess.  AND, d'you think we can remember any French at all, despite spending years studying the language and Bob having worked in Metz for 3 months???  Italian and German vocab keeps popping up just when we don't need it.......

Despite all of the above, we're enjoying our cruising and the wind and weather has been fantastic.  We can manage to sail most days and have found the most gorgeous anchorages, swimming in the cool, clear turquoise water and dingying ashore to buy provisions and explore.  Temperatures are around 26/27 degrees C and it's much warmer at night now. 

Didn't get to the south of France which was our long range plan, but decided to slow down a bit and relax and enjoy :)

We arrived in Porto Vecchio just two days late to see the start of the Tour de France, but the town was buzzing and there was a bicycle featured in every shop window.  We were anchored in the bay at the end of the channel near the mouth of the Stabiacciu River in 5m of sand for four nights.  We met up with Annette and Ino of S/Y Vicki again and they came for aperitivo/aperatifs one evening. 
Eating ice-cream French style

We guess this photo is about a grandpa taking his two grandsons out for a fishing lesson ;)  Imparting wisdom!!

Early morning fog clearing in Cala di Furnellu.  Fog horns in Bonifacio Straits

A tour in every anchorage

Evening meal in Campomoro

Chateau overlooking the anchorage at Campomoro

Barbecuing Kinabalu style

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