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Wednesday 7 August 2013


Wow, €500 entry fee paid, crew flying in from all over.....Kinabalu on the way to Rome for the start!

Motored up the River Tiber with Nic and Mo who were to depart the very next day to make room for Saskia, Bee and Mascha arriving the following day!! Tied up at the Achab Yacht Club on the south bank for a one day turn around.....laundry sent away and a full shopping cart of provisions. Champagne flowing and enough Pimms to take us to Tunisia!! Wonderful dinner at the Club. Hot steamy weather!

Saturday 3rd August 2013 we set sail for Tunisia, cruising leisurely instead of racing. Fantastic breeze from the NNW, spinnaker run for over 5 hours and setting up a rendezvous with Jayne Koehler on Aorangi, S&S Swan 47, at some islands near Capri. Next day more fantastic sailing, dolphins and starry starry night with no moon. Pole out, goose-winged until breeze disappeared at sunrise....motor sailed, sighted a huge green turtle, dropping anchor at Cala Fredda, Isole Egadi near Porto Di Levanzo. Sas and Bee cleaned the hull, everyone ashore...lots of sailing gossip.

Tuesday 6th August set off on another broad reach 128nm to Hammamet, Tunisia. Around 01.30 hours motoring in low visibility off the coast of Tunisia Bee and Saskia were on watch when they were followed and encircled with a searchlight shining into their eyes. Called the Captain from his sleep and we ascertained that it was an inquisitive coastguard. Finally sailing again at around 08.30 hours tying up at Yasmine Marina around 14.40 hours. Jenny Ashley Cooper's arrival in the heat of the day was dramatic, to say the least. Fortunately Bee had moved out of her aft cabin to accommodate Jenny and her "luggage" in first class style:). Went into town by taxis, grand old town and fabulous food! The sail to Monastir was exciting with a darkening sky, wind gusting in the high 30s and huge swell. But we had plenty of competent crew and arrived in Monastir all in tact.

Jenny stayed on with us for a few days to explore and the girls left for a night in Sidi bou Said.


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